Saturday, June 14, 2008

Tanzania Peaberry is back

After a short hiatus, Tanzania Peaberry, a Wildfire favorite grown on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro, is back on the shelf.

Mark just roasted a small batch last night.

Tanzania is on the Eastern part of Africa, but this coffee is quite different from its other counterparts grown there. If you look at the photo below, you'll see a sampling of two beans from Africa. Tanzania Peaberry is on the top, and Kenya AA is at the bottom. The Tanzania beans are smaller and rounder.
Usually, a coffee cherry consists of two flat beans, but sometimes only one develops. These singles are separated from the rest of the crop and given the name "Peaberry."

How does it taste? Rich floral body, with a bright and vibrant cup profile. Kinda snappy!

Tanzania factoids:
  • Language: Swahili or Kiswahili, but English is spoken for commerce and higher education.
  • Coffee Production: 102,036,000 lbs
  • Altitude: 950-1900 meters
Pick up a bag today!


1 comment:

Christy Mason said...

I'd like to try this!