Here at Wildfire, we ARE the marketing department. We come up with a wild hair and run with it. If we like it, we put it on the menu that day. If the customers like it, then it might go on our permanent menu.
Today, our wild hair idea came from Meredith, from Oak Haven Massage. She suggested a cheesecake frozen latte made with no-bake cheesecake mix.

It SOUNDED a lot better than it turned out. We had high hopes for this concoction: Two shots of espresso. No bake mix. Milk. Ice. blend. The consistency was okay.. a little icy, but not bad.
Then the taste test.
It started out sweet, then ended with a sour milk flavor that stuck to the sides of your throat and burned the nostrils. If you ever need to induce vomiting after accidentally drinking poison.. then this is the drink for you!
So Cheesecake frozen latte made with no bake cheesecake mix will not make it on Wildfire's menu this time. And it only cost us $1.72 to find this out.
I shudder to think what the big guys spend on failed recipes.
Actually this was the second failed attempt at cheesecake latte. We tried one last year with cream cheese and graham crackers along with the rest of the frozen latte ingredients.
Third times the charm???
Ah yes.. forgot about that one!! The huge chunk of cream cheese made it what 1000 cal?
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