Thursday, April 2, 2009

Favorite Customer!

Okay, so we were on vacation for the last week and a half. Honestly, I still feel like I'm on vacation.

So before we left, we announce our favorite customer contest winner.

Emily Mitchan!

Yes. We know she's won before. But that didn't matter. We did not make a rule that a person could not win again.

We got quite a few awesome entries: A quilt section with our logo. A powerpoint presentation. A crayon picture book. A painting.

But Emily's entry. Well.. we just couldn't deny her a win for what she did. She not only wrote a really nice poem. She got a freakin tattoo of our logo on her leg.

A Tattoo!

See the fantastic photos and read more about her drink "Emily's Daytripper" here.

But we couldn't not mention our close second place winners. Judy and Carol, who stitched us a gorgeous quilt section made of stunning fabrics. A lot of time and love went into the piece and for that we awarded them second place, with the honor of a drink named after them on our FIESTA menu coming later in April! We'll be working with them to come up with a festive drink in their honor.

Thanks to everyone who entered. We have plans to hang up the art on various walls at the coffee shop!

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