Not really, but I must try to find humor in this story somewhere. Let's start from the beginning.
Every 6 months Mark takes apart the venting system to the coffee roaster and cleans it out. It accumulates lots of potentially fire-causing "stuff" that needs to be scraped out and washed off.

You see, We've been married for 11 years. Mark and I have this running source of bickering. It's something that ALWAYS causes a little tiff between us. We don't flat out fight or yell.. it's just.. bickering.
Picture the scene.
Mark wants to put stuff on the car roof to get it from point a to point b. I say no.. "it'll fall!" He says "No it won't! It's physics.. nothing will happen to it." Then I get upset because I'm worried the stuff will fall off. We've had this argument plenty of times. He sometimes gets his way, because I think it's a ridiculous thing to argue about, and then he proves me wrong as the stuff usually stays put. (blankets, suitcase, 2X4's, chairs)
Until now.
Let me repeat: he took the pieces to the car wash and afterwards, put them on top of his car.
At the intersection of 410 and Blanco he heard the thud. He thought "oh, no.. that can't be good." He looked back and saw the piece on the ground. No problem. He turns around, and before he could even pull over. The only other car on the road at that dark hour RUNS OVER THE THING!
OMG. Not good.
These ducts aren't the typical duct you can buy at home depot. These are special ducts that need to be installed by "Professional Duct People." So while we wait for the pros to find the parts, we're running out of coffee. People are coming in wanting beans. And we only have a few pounds left!
Sami to the rescue! Our friends at San Antonio Coffee Roasters near the airport sympathized with our plight and is roasting our coffee for us until we get the roaster up and running, which will hopefully be Friday afternoon.
Until then.. NOTHING is going up on the roof of our car ever again.
1 comment:
When we disagree on something, Will says, "But remember when I was right?" and looks smug.
Now you have The Power.
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