Saturday, August 30, 2008

Closed for Labor Day

Please note:

Wildfire Coffee will be closed for the Labor Day Holiday, Monday Sept 1.

We'll see you on Tuesday morning at 7am!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Diorama Drama

Girls vs. Boys.

Here at Wildfire we have a camaraderie you won't find at the corporate coffee places. Those places put an end to the fun before it even begins. Not here. We embrace the fun. We're loud. We make signs. We draw things. We tease each other. We play practical jokes on each other. So it's no surprise that THIS transpired over the course of about 4 days.

What the heck is it, you ask? Well, allow me explain.

It started out innocently enough. I had gotten a box of free paper from the office supply store. Once Lucas got his little hands on all this paper, he cooked up a plan to make a boat. Well, first it was an airplane but that lasted all of 2 minutes. Boys!

So anyway back to the boat. It looked like a hat to me, but whatever.

He left it out on the counter for all of us to marvel at his folding skills. This led to Natalie girlifying it with pink paper and a taunt.

Which led to Lucas making another boat. A pirate boat. That he positioned to attack the girl boat. Mark added homies. Those are so 1999, btw.
He added a paper airplane complete with the little "pewpewpew" dots to shoot the girl boat!
At this point- It. Was. On! What can destroy a ship and a plane? A flying saucer!

Natalie and I conspired to make the flying saucer out of chipped plates. It even had frikkin laser beams to shoot the boat and the plane!

Until Lucas made a Star Wars Satellite that would launch a "nucular" weapon at us! The nerve!

Shara came up with the topper to top everyone. A sea creature made out of a plant. It's a thing of beauty.
Poor homie.

Girls rule.
Boys drool.

That's what we do at Wildfire when no one's looking.

The end.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

The live shot that wasn't

So, Wildfire was supposed to be on TV this week. We got a pleasant phone call from the friendly producer of San Antonio Living, the morning lifestyle show that airs on WOAI (Channel 4.)


They wanted to use the coffee shop as a backdrop for a story about moms taking their kids back to school and stopping in for a much-needed coffee fix. We are less than a block away from Huebner Elementary, after all. Wow. They didn't call a chain. They didn't call the corporate giant. They called little mom-n-pop Wildfire Coffee.


They showed up on time, got everything set up. Ready to go. Drinks in hand. Makeup retouched. Only. They couldn't get the live truck to work.


Sadly, we never made it on air.

But we did get a picture of what you would have seen if you had tuned in and if the production guys HAD gotten the live shot up.

I hope no one got fired.


If there's something strange.. in your neighborhood..

Who ya gonna call!?


Our resident latte artist, Rey, made this cute little ghost. Just in time for Halloween! Which is. um. 2 months away.

Doesn't that look tasty.

Come in and get one. Maybe we'll draw something fun in it!


Here comes the rain again

It's raining.

Well not today, but a lot over the past week or so.

We decided to have a little fun with our leftover luau drink umbrellas.



Silly kids! Those won't protect you from the rain like a nice rich real chocolate Wildfire mocha will!


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Order Wildfire Coffee online!

Big news.

Wildfire Coffee's online store is open for business. There are still a few little kinks to work out, but all in all, it's doing what it's supposed to do.

Orders will typically go out on Mondays via priority mail.

So check it out!

order online

Monday, August 11, 2008

Luau weekend

What a weekend!

Wildfire Coffee celebrated its 3rd anniversary with music, flowers, grass skirts, and limbo.

Rey outdoes himself again with his latte art. This time with a gorgeous beach scene complete with a sunset and 2 palm trees.

Nigel on vocals and Devin on guitar shared their original music with the folks at Wildfire. Hopefully we'll have them back again in the coming months.

Frankie shows off his temporary tattoo.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Let's Bowl! Let's Bowl! Let's.. Rock n Roll!

Time to bowl!

Last year we had so much fun bowling we're doing it again this year. The Wildfire Coffee Fall Bowling league starts up September 7th, 2008. Teams consist of three people and all ages are welcome.

Games will be Sunday evenings at Country Lanes (281 near Bitters) starting at 6pm. Everybody bowls 3 games each and it costs only $10.35 a week to play, and it includes shoes!

The season runs 14 weeks.

So get your team together and sign up today.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Third Anniversary


Three years ago today Wildfire Coffee Roasters opened its doors for business. To celebrate, we're hosting our annual Luau this weekend and offering $3 specials all month long in appreciation for your continued support.

We couldn't have made it this far without you.

Thank you!