It's raining gum.
Have you noticed all the employees chewing gum lately? Rather than looking at us with contempt, join in whydoncha?
A while back a marketing company called and asked me if we'd like some gum samples. Since I am so honest and suspicious, I let them know that we don't sell gum, and the samples would work better somewhere else. "No problem!" The voice on the other end replied, "we just want to get these things out there."
hmm.. I was thinking there might be a catch so I asked if there was any obligation for us to purchase gum in the future.
He said, "no maam!"
"Then send the over!" I squealed. Okay, I didn't really squeal. I just wanted to use that adjective.
And can you believe he called me ma'am!??So I forgot about that phone call, until we got a curious delivery. What is it? Our logo merchandise? Tea? Mark and I looked at each other, thinking the other had ordered something and had forgotten about it, which believe it or not, is a common occurrence.
Then we opened the box.
In that box?
Four big boxes. Of gum.

4000 packets of sugarless gum.

So swing on by, it may be the only time all of us have really fresh breath all at the same time!
Grab a few packets to take the edge off after you partake in a deliciously decadent Eggnog Latte.
By the way, my teeth hurt.